Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Busy, busy, busy...

Just so you all know that I haven’t forgotten about you, I have been busy, busy, busy and blogging has not been my top priority :-)

Here are all of the things I have going on:

Postpartum Doula Training Program online with Birth Arts International

Advanced Women’s Herbal & Aromatherapy Online Course with Birth Arts International

Hypno-Doula Certification

Apprentice Midwife with the lovely, Debra Day

Portfolio Evaluation Process for my CPM through NARM

GRE preparation for admittance to graduate school Fall 2011

Birth Arts International Doula Training Instructor planning for a doula training in Austin Fall 2010

JinGui Qi Gong Training

Not to mention observing the home-learning of our two children, taking care of numerous pets, being a loving wife, enjoying friends & sometimes cleaning the house!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My 1st Assist

Early Sunday morning, Debra called me with two simple words, “Come on!” This was my cue to meet her at my first homebirth as a midwife’s apprentice. I was so excited, but apprehensive. I was excited to be attending a home birth but apprehensive about the discoveries I would make... “Do I agree with Debra’s birth philosophies? Would we work well together? Would I feel comfortable being in the midwife role?”

I learned so much in the early morning hours of March 28th. I learned that I was on the right path. I learned that I was where I was meant to be. For the few previous months, I had been following my intuition and walking through the many doors of opportunities. These opportunities lead me here, to this beautiful birth and I was grateful.

I fell more in love with Debra during this birth, and this birth confirmed our connection and ability to work together. It also confirmed my ability to be in the role as a midwife. Maybe one day, I will share with the mom how special her birth was to me. Maybe one day, I will share with you the story of my first “catch.” Now how amazing is that?